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Image by Echo Chen

Tutaki To Tatou
Kaunihera Kaimahi- Whanui

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Bro. Prince Salamat, SBCA

Whanui a pononga

He puka seminarian te Pihopatanga o Romblon e ako ana i Teolosia o Sancta Maria Mater et Regina Seminarium, Cablatan, Cagay, Roxas City 


Waea Waea: (+63) 9272351765

Waea Waea: (+63) 9318365318

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 Bro. John Mefragata, SBCA, KTJ

Kaimahi Vicar-Deputy General

John is a frontliner for NHS England, He  specialised in Renal Haemodialysis,  Hardware Engineer. A former ICT,  Business Admin instructor and Systems Administrator of Concordia College, Manila.  Assistant National Trainer for NEAP in Physics Improvisation. He was named after St. John Bosco, embedded  with The Salesian-Vincentian System of Education, a former Catechist of Our Lady of the Abandoned (POLA), Mandaluyong City, PHL.  Member of Taize, World Council of Churches (WCC) and a Knights Templar of the Grand Priory of England (OSMTH)


Waea Waea: (+44) 07748305137

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Bro. John Mefragata, SBCA

Hekeretari-Tianara mo

Nga Take o roto me te ICT

Bro Marco is the overall Catholic Faith Evangelizer (CFE) Preceptor General, a registered social worker of Davao and the Youth Coordinator and Catechist of  the Archdiocese of Davao. He was also one of the closest student and was mentored by   

Rev. Msgr. Bonifacio Burlaza.


Waea Waea: 1 (902) 514-2310

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Sis. Maxine Freeman, SBCA

Kaimahi-Tianara  hoki

Take o-Waho

A former Marist seminarian from the Diocese of San Jose de Antique, PHL. Currently a senior high school teacher and part time college instructor   


Mobile: (+63) 9075407152

Mobile: (+63) 9984842111

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Bro. Jhon Catli, SBCA

Pononga  Vicar - Whanui

mo te Rangahau me te Waapu

Bro. Ko Jhon te  he tohunga hinengaro,  Tuhinga o mua Tuhinga o mua. Ko ia te Kaihauturu Pariha o te Rosary Taiohi Rosary  Crusade me te Kaiwhakahaere o Lourdesian Whakawhitinga Korero Korero.

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Sis. Nenebeth Rima, SBCA

Hekeretari o te Tari

Whakawhitiwhiti korero-Whanui

Ko ia te hēkeretari o Sangguniang bayan o Pandan me te mahi i mua i te tari o te perehitini o nga Philippines. I tenei wa kei te mahi ia i te Pihopatanga o Pandan me te Hekeretari Tianara mo te SBCA Domicile 


Waea Waea: (+ 63) 9950124588

Waea Waea: (+63) 9207594476

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Sis. Cynthia Villarico, SBCA


He Catechist o mua o te Archdiocese of Manila me te Kaiawhina Catechist Kaiawhina o Our Lady of the Abandoned (POLA), Mandaluyong. Te Kaitohutohu i te Tika me te Rangimarie me te pono o te Kaihanga. I tenei wa kei te mahi mo te Association of Major Religious Superiors in the Philippines (AMRSP).


Waea Waea: (+63) 9431351543

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Sis. Marife S. Idanan, SBCA

Kaitiaki-Tianara Kaimahi

He kaimahi hauora ia, a kua puta i a ia  To Tatou Wahine o te Whare Wananga o Fatima, kei te Pihopatanga o Virac, PHL ia. Ko te irāmutu a Kardinal Gabriel Sanchez 

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Sis. Samantha Montoya, SBCA

Karakia pononga & Karakia-Whanui

He kaituhi waiata a Sam i te  United States. I CAa ia e noho ana i tenei wa ka tautoko ia  kohi moni  me etahi atu mahi a te whare karakia. Ko ia hoki to taatau tangata ki te Tai Rawhiti o California 

Waea Waea: (707) 2235646

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Sis. Meri Noel
Nana Njiengwe, SBCA

Kaituku-Matapihi Kaimahi-Whanui

Ko te tuahine Mary no te Pihopatanga o Mamfe i Cameroon. I kii ia "Ko au te kohanga, kaore i taea te tutuki. He aroha ki te hahi ka noho tonu ahau hei Katorika mo ake tonu atu. Mai i taku ako mo  E manaakitia ana a Carlo, kei te ngakau nui ahau mo tana aroha ki te Eucarist i tana pirangi ki te Atua ".


Waea Waea: (+ 237) 67462295

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Bro. Andy Ureta, SBCA

Kaimahi-Whakatairanga Tuutuu-Katoa

He kaiwhakaako kura tuatahi no Marist no te diocese o San Jose Buenaventura, Antique, PHL. I tenei wa he kaiako kura tuarua, he kaiako kura tuarua  


Waea Waea: (+ 63) 9177341584

Waea Waea: (+63) 9984842111

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Bro. Maynor Ballesteros
Villamil, SBCA

Hapori pononga

Nga Mihinare-Whanui

He tangata whenua a Maynor no Siguatepeque, Honduras; ko ia tetahi o te whanau tokoono nga tamariki. I tutaki a Maynor ki nga Francis Francis Friars o te Whakahoutanga i te tuatahi o te Pan de Vida (Taro o te Ora) I whakatakahia e nga taiohi o Eucaristic nga Friars i whakahaerehia i Honduras i te 2001 hei waahanga whakamaumaharatanga mo te 500 tau o te puranga tuatahi i te whenua o Amerika, i mau tuu ki tetahi papa i te takutai raki o Honduras. Na taua hokinga i whakarereke te oranga me nga mahere a Maynor. I mua o tera i uru ia ki tana pariha o te rohe, a St. Paul, a e whakamahere ana ia i tana mahi hoia. Otirā, i whai i a ia te whakamātautau tomokanga mo te kura wnanga, me te kaute teitei o te motu! Engari ko tana tutaki ki a Ihu i roto i te Eucharist i tohu ki a ia i tetahi atu huarahi. Ko te patai mo ia kua mutu, "Me aha ahau?" Engari, "Me aha a Ihu ki ahau?" I noho a Maynor i etahi wa ki te noho ki nga haahi i Comayagua, kaore i tawhiti atu i tona taone nui, ka uru atu ki o raatau oranga me a raatau minita. I te wa i noho tuturu ai nga Mihanere o te Karaiti ki Honduras, i kitea e Maynor tana mahi hei mihinare reimana. Kua uru ia ki te hapori Mihana mo nga tau e rima kua hipa. I taua wa i mahi ia i nga pariha mamao i nga tuawhenua me te whai waahi ki nga kaupapa kaikauwhau me te toro atu ki nga tamariki me nga taiohi.

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Bro. Hippolytus Shing, SBCA

Miihana Minita


Ko Taina Hippolytus Khui Shing te rangatira me te kaiwhakaara i te kai ma te wairua.  I akohia i St. Joeph Katorika Matua Seminary i Yangon, Myanmar.

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Bro. Hippolytus Shing, SBCA

Miihana Minita


Ko Taina Hippolytus Khui Shing te rangatira me te kaiwhakaara i te kai ma te wairua.  I akohia i St. Joeph Katorika Matua Seminary i Yangon, Myanmar.


Mobile: (+63) 9559067370

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